Доблестное Стекло

Почему расстойка является ключевым этапом в производстве стеклянных бутылок?

The quality of glass bottles is closely related to glass bottle design and material quality, production equipment, mold manufacturing, etc. A very critical step in the production of glass bottles is proofing. We usually look at the issue of proofing. First, the proofer must understand the grade of his product, what special requirements it has for physical and chemical properties and appearance, etc., and then he must understand the quality of the product produced by the manufacturer. , to see if the manufacturer can produce glass bottles of similar quality to the sampler. This step of proofing directly affects the production cost and quality of glass bottles, so it must be taken seriously.

  1. Glass bottle mold cost issue

The price of the mold varies according to the material. If it is a glass bottle that requires a good appearance and strict dimensional deviation, it is recommended to use a spray welding mold. The price is nearly doubled, so judging from the proofing, although some manufacturers charge a mold fee, If a few proofs fail, they will lose money. The main reason is that the cost of wasted production time is too high. In fact, the mold cost is not charged by the manufacturer, but collected by the mold factory. Especially for special-shaped bottles, many products need to be improved many times before they can produce qualified samples. Or the process used is different, and the equipment is also different. It may be difficult to make the same product with different equipment.

Many glass wine bottles and wine bottles are produced with imported equipment. If you need this, you should find a professional manufacturer. Then there is the price. With the improvement of our country’s economic level, our labor costs have increased a lot. Compared with developed countries, it is still Yes, but it is high for underdeveloped countries, especially in recent years, as labor costs have increased and coal and natural gas have increased. Transportation costs have increased, and the unit price of products has increased a lot. (Maybe it’s because the tax rebate support is okay) The domestic price war for conventional products is quite fierce. Therefore, we have a very good mentality when making products. Products with good quality must have higher prices, and products with lower prices must be equal in quality.

The appearance is required to be very good, and the bottle is required to have good transparency and smooth finish. You can choose high white material or some called crystal white material, mainly for high-end wine bottles, such as Wuliangye and Golden Wine bottles. Then there are the daily chemical series bottles, but the physical and chemical properties of such products are worse than those of medicinal materials. Some of them may break at high temperatures, and some indicators exceed regulations. If you require a good appearance and a bottle with good transparency and smooth finish, you can choose high white material or some called crystal white material, mainly for high-end wine bottles, such as Wuliangye and Golden Wine bottles. Then there are the daily chemical series bottles, but the physical and chemical properties of such products are worse than those of medicinal materials. Some of them may break at high temperatures, and some indicators exceed regulations.

  1. Production and price of glass bottles

(1) If it is a glass bottle with a capacity of 250-300 ml or more, it is recommended to use a single-drop machine to produce it. Most of the domestic bottles are 6 or 8 orders.

(2) If the capacity is less than 250-50 ml, it is recommended to use a double-drop machine for production. Most of the domestic ones are 6 pairs or 8 pairs.

(3) If the capacity is 50-5 ml, there are currently 3 or 4 drops in China. We have 5-drop and 6-drop equipment. This requirement requires a large quantity.

  1. Glass bottle proofing time

In the current market economy, various glass bottle factories are competing with each other, and they all want to get more orders and thus have better profits. If you are a salesperson, you definitely want to receive more orders. Some relatively good glass bottle manufacturers that have been in business for a long time have a detailed review process for orders, but the review time may be longer. Generally, small The company is very flexible. After getting the sample, I feel that it can do it. The sample can be produced in 20 days. We can do the math. From sample production, we usually find professional mold manufacturers to make molds. Some also process it by ourselves, from bottle drawings to Drawings (2-3 days), customer confirmation (1-2 days) until the mold is made. If it is a single drop of 6 sets or a double set of 4 sets, it will probably take at least 10 sets of molds. Mold production takes time, about 10 days, (if The sample mold will be faster) plus the other 5 days, so the fastest is 20 days. The next step is to arrange machine proofing, which is estimated to take 5 days, which will take nearly a month of production time. But now many customizers require 15 or 20 days to get samples, so manufacturers have to rush in some aspects, and some even make samples on mismatched production lines. Products with less strict quality requirements are okay. If they are special-shaped products, it will be difficult to produce qualified samples if the material properties and mold design do not match.

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