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Conocimiento del uso y mantenimiento de los tarros de velas

Conocimiento del uso y mantenimiento de los tarros de velas

When many people use the formed candle jars, they will be careful to let the wax flow out or the process will deform the box, which will lead to the waste of the candle, and when using the storage jar, more people will use the jar as a candle seat cushion. The jar is seriously deformed, so what needs to be paid attention to during use? How to maintain it?

  1. The glass candle vessels must be square and cannot be tilted, otherwise the wax will flow out during use.
  2. When the candle is almost burned, please do not let the candle continue to burn down, otherwise it will cause deformation of the jar
  3. The storage jar cannot be directly used as a candle pad, let alone let the candle go out until it is extinguished by itself.
  4. When extinguishing the candle jar, do not directly use the lid to extinguish it, it is best to blow it out first
Conocimiento del uso y mantenimiento de los tarros de velas
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