Доблестное Стекло

Политика Доставки


Q: How will my order be shipped?

Orders are shipped via UPS, Fedex, or Common Carrier for very large orders. Shipping and handling charges will be added to your order. Once your online order is shipped, you will be E-mailed a shipping confirmation.

Q: How long will it take to receive my order?

In stock Orders typically ship from our warehouse within three business days. For custom items, please contact us as processing time may vary. Once your order has shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information. Please note that shipping time may vary depending on your location and shipping method selected and is in addition to the processing time.

Q: What if I received Damaged Products?

Valiant Glass now offers an industry exclusive “Intact On Arrival” Guarantee. We overpack our glass products in such a way that will withstand normal parcel transit handling. If you receive damaged product, please take a picture of the damage and utilize the “Submit a Support Ticket” to notify us of the issue within 10 days of receipt. We will replace any damaged products at no cost to you.

We must be notified of damaged goods within 10 days of delivery. To receive replacement products at no cost, all damages must be reported through our website, accompanied by photos, within 10 days of the carriers delivered date. If we are not notified of the damages within the specified timeframe, we have the right to waive the option of sending replacements to you at no cost.

Q: How often do items get back ordered, and how will I know if an item I purchase is put on back order?

Back orders are rare, but if a requested item is put on back order, we try to contact our customers as soon as possible via e-mail. We cannot necessarily guarantee any ship dates at that time, but we will try to give you an accurate estimated arrival date.

If we do not hear back from you within 24 hours, we will ship all items we have on hand and back order any remaining items. Back orders will be shipped automatically once the product has arrived in our warehouse.

Q: Can I cancel my order?

Orders can only be canceled within one business hour after they are submitted. Business hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4pm EST. Simply use the “Start a Support Ticket” link and provide us your order #. We’ll cancel your order and refund your card.

Q:What happens if the order is undeliverable and returned to your warehouse?

Orders that are deemed undeliverable by UPS,Fedex, or Common Carrier will be returned back to us. Once the package(s) arrived at our facility, we will begin processing a return and refund minus the 30% restocking fee as well as the return shipping cost. If you would like your order to be re-shipped, please submit a new order.

Undeliverable orders include incorrect shipping address, receiver not available at time of delivery if signature is required, and refusal of delivery.

Q: Who is liable to pay for Customs, Duties, and Tariffs?

Unless expressly stated otherwise in a Quotation or Invoice, the Purchase Price does not include charges for taxes, customs and import-export fees, duties, and tariffs.


Q: What if my tracking information says my package has been delivered but I do not have my package?  

If your tracking information shows that your package was delivered, but it cannot be located it:

  • The carrier may leave shipments in a safe place at their own discretion so be sure to check areas such as the front porch, side door, back porch, or near the garage
  • Look for a notice of attempted delivery.
  • If you still cannot locate your package, you must notify O. Berk within 10 days of the carriers delivered date so we can start the tracing process with the carrier and ship your replacement product(s).  

Отказ от ответственности: If we are not notified of missing packages within the specified timeframe, we have the right to waive the option of sending replacements to you at no cost.

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