Доблестное Стекло

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100% Full Inspection

Manual and automated inspections are performed simultaneously to ensure stable quality and greatly reduce quality risks.

Personnel Inspection

Automatic Inspection

Test Laboratory

1.Personnel Inspection

Each production line we have professional selection and evaluation and quality control personnel, follow the quality inspection standard process, carefully inspect the quality of glass bottles, record detection data, ensure that your glass bottle orders have no quality concerns.




2.Automatic Inspection Equipment

In order to provide more precise inspection, control the production quality, we had introduced automatic inspection equipment such as photographic inspection machines and Infrared bottle mouth inspection machines, and we has laboratory to test the physical and chemical properties of glass containers.




3.Testing Laboratory

The laboratory tests the physical and chemical properties of glass containers. And a spot check of bottle size, thickness, capacity, filling level, thermal shock, stress and etc.


Запрос информации

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