Доблестное Стекло

At Valiant Glass, we understand that the compatibility of your products with packaging components is crucial. Due to the varied combinations of potential ingredients in your products—especially active ingredients and essential oils—certain materials may react adversely, potentially resulting in defects. While we produce high-quality glass bottles, we cannot guarantee that any specific container or closure will function properly with your particular product. Therefore, we highly recommend conducting comprehensive compatibility testing with all packaging components before final production and filling.

To assist with your testing, we can provide samples of your selected packaging components prior to placing your order (please note that shipping charges will apply).

Valiant Glass assumes no responsibility for the suitability of any container or closure for your specific application. It is the customer’s responsibility to perform product compatibility testing with the selected containers and closures. We cannot be held liable for any consequential damages resulting from the selection and use of our products.

Thank you for choosing Valiant Glass.


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