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Glass Bottle Industry News Display

How to choose high quality glass bottles

How to choose high quality glass bottles

In our daily life, we often come into contact with various types of glass products, wholesale candle jars How to choose high-quality glass bottles. In order to let everyone know more about the selection method of glass wine bottles, VIT…

VALIANT Teaches You How To Store Brandy

VALIANT Teaches You How To Store Brandy

Many drinking partners don’t know much about the storage method of brandy, so VALIANT will popularize the storage method of brandy. Brandy under different conditions has different storage methods. (1) Prevent sunlight: light can accelerate the chemical changes of long-chain…

How to choose the style of packaging bottle?

How to choose the style of packaging bottle?

Plastic packaging bottle is only a kind of packaging, which is conducive to storage and transportation. Why change the fancy packaging? I think it’s good to make the glass bottle with high definition, thin mold closing line, symmetrical bottle wall,…

What are the inspection methods for glass bottles?

What are the inspection methods for glass bottles?

Ensure the quality of raw materials, strictly inspect the physical chemistry, appearance, specification and other performance indicators of raw materials in the factory according to the specifications. Carry out material selection and classification according to the pipe selection and classification…

How to Judge The Quality of Glass Bottles?

How to Judge The Quality of Glass Bottles

How do glass bottle factory teachers judge: first, observe whether the glass wine bottle body is deformed and skewed, whether the bottle mouth is regular, and whether the bottle bottom has defects such as protrusion or depression; In addition, observe…

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