Valiant Glass

What are the grades of tequila?

What are the grades of tequila?

Blanco and PlataBlanco and Plata, which can be considered an unaged wine, do not need to be aged in oak barrels. Blanco-grade tequila can be placed in oak barrels for a maximum of 30 days. Joven abocadoJoven abocado, all of these wines belong to Mixto, and theoretically there is no…
New innovation on glass bottle

New innovation on glass bottle

With the development and progress of science and technology. glass technology is becoming more and more advanced.the machines are more stabilized and efficient. the bottles sizes are widely from 30ml to 5L, inclulding seldom size such as 125ml glass bottles 350 ml bottles. these size are not popular size, but…
Market trend of custom glass bottles industry

Market trend of custom glass bottles industry

First of all, the development trend of small packaging, the future small packaging capacity of wine bottles will be the development trend of the packaging market. Secondly, the high-end trend of wine bottle packaging, more and more high-end wines appear, this is definitely a trend. Finally, product design will be…
24 oz ball canning jars wholesale

Trends in the use of food glass bottles

At present, food glass bottles are on the market. As plastic food bottles are troubled by materials and questioned by consumers, more and more food bottles are made of glass. However, compared with pet, the recovery rate of glass food bottle packaging is very low. This is a problem that…
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