Apothecary jars standard system overview

Apothecary jars standard system overview

The principle of formulating different standards for the same product according to different materials determined in the new standard has greatly expanded the coverage of the standard, enhanced the applicability and selectivity of various new drugs and special drugs for products with different glass materials and different properties, and changed the relative lag of the general product standard for product development.

Apothecary jars standard system overview

Among the eight medicinal glass bottle products covered by the new apothecary jars wholesale standard, the standards of each product are divided into three categories according to material and performance. The first category is borosilicate glass, the second category is low borosilicate glass, and the third category is sodium calcium glass. Although a certain product of a certain kind of material has not been produced yet, the standards of this kind of products have been issued, which solves the lag problem of formulating standards after the products are usually produced. All kinds of drugs with different grades, different performances, different uses and dosage forms have more flexible and larger selection space for products and standards of different materials.

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